Monthly Archives: May 2013

Waze 3.7 Satnav update

smartphone satnav

Our social media satnav of choice has just had a update… Yes Waze has just got better! Facebook events, friends bar, Realtime  and offline beeping friends and new exclusive moods for us map editors.

If you use your smartphone as your satnav Waze is one of the best we have ever used. Using its community of users for realtime traffic updates, mobile speed cameras and petrol station price updates Waze makes the smallest commute to a cross country journey simple, just key in the postcode and off you go. Hook it to foursquare and you can earn yourself a badge and navigate to your selected venue from with the app.

Available for both Android and iPhones download it today and give it a go!

Next advert to get banned?

Just seen the new Giffgaff TV advert “Dont be Scared” , Cant see this lasting to long, sandwiched in the ad break on Channel 4’s 10 O’Clock Show. Certainly has done its job, cant see this not trending on twitter.

Updated YouYube Channel…

COGmedia Video YouTube update

Updated YouYube Channel…

COGmedia’s YouTube channel has been updated with the new layout changes implemented by Google. The new look looks great on all platforms be it desktop, tablet for mobile. Along with the YouTube update we have also updated our Google Plus profile.

If you’re looking to update or just need advice on YouTube, Google+ or nay other social media branding drop us line… Get in touch