Big brother is listening to you…

On a recent business trip to Cheltenham we came across one of Banksy’s latest street artworks… Featuring 3 shady spooks eavesdropping in on calls made the the public telephone box on Hewlett Road, Cheltenham… it might just be a social statement or a big at GCHQ located near by. Either way there were crowds of people lining up have have their picture taken in the phone box.

Banksy Graffiti telephone box Cheltenham Read the rest of this entry

Linksys WRT610N – Chromecast – Netflix sorted!

Chromecast dongle Netflix fix for Linksys

Netflix is not connecting. On the screen it says ui-109 . YouTube works fine and netflix used to work. I have factory reset the device before and there is another chromecast in the house that has the same issue. Just found a great site that fixed my recent issues with #Netflix and my #Chormecasts… Big thanks to Will.

Big brother is listening to you…


Rapunzel tattoo | Skull Sugar – Luck 13 Tattoo Studio

March started off with a commercial photographic shoot in a Norwich Tattoo studio, A Sugar Skull original design sleeve first sitting lasted just over three hours and saw the beautiful image of Rapunzel start to take shape.
Clare Oakley Tattoo | Skull Suger | Lucky 13 Studio
Read the rest of this entry

GoGo Gorillas Installation Day

23rd of June 2013 the streets of Norwich were a wash of colour with the installation of 53 hand painted gorillas… Local charity Break and the Born Free Foundation commissioned local artists to decorate the Wild in Art life size gorillas. COGmedia were on hand at the birth of Nelson, with first gorillas to be painted and the flag ship selling tool to get companies on-board.

This video tracks Nelson and a hand full of other gorillas on the installation… to find out more and how you can support break check out the links below.


Creative Design Norwich

GoGoGorillas Norwich… Odeon Launch

GoGoGorillas Launch Odeon Cinema Norwich

Over the last 12 months we have been working with Break, a local charity dedicated to changing young people’s lives in Norfolk on their GoGoGorillas project.  The streets of Norwich will be home to some stunning art installations for the summer of 2013 – 53 hand painted full size gorilla sculptures will create a trail around the city. Read the rest of this entry

Waze 3.7 Satnav update

smartphone satnav

Our social media satnav of choice has just had a update… Yes Waze has just got better! Facebook events, friends bar, Realtime  and offline beeping friends and new exclusive moods for us map editors.

If you use your smartphone as your satnav Waze is one of the best we have ever used. Using its community of users for realtime traffic updates, mobile speed cameras and petrol station price updates Waze makes the smallest commute to a cross country journey simple, just key in the postcode and off you go. Hook it to foursquare and you can earn yourself a badge and navigate to your selected venue from with the app.

Available for both Android and iPhones download it today and give it a go!

Next advert to get banned?

Just seen the new Giffgaff TV advert “Dont be Scared” , Cant see this lasting to long, sandwiched in the ad break on Channel 4’s 10 O’Clock Show. Certainly has done its job, cant see this not trending on twitter.

Updated YouYube Channel…

COGmedia Video YouTube update

Updated YouYube Channel…

COGmedia’s YouTube channel has been updated with the new layout changes implemented by Google. The new look looks great on all platforms be it desktop, tablet for mobile. Along with the YouTube update we have also updated our Google Plus profile.

If you’re looking to update or just need advice on YouTube, Google+ or nay other social media branding drop us line… Get in touch